Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Your Bakers!

We are just a husband and wife team who love pie!  In an effort to lose weight, Brian decided to adopt a Zig Ziglar principle to simply have dessert once a week on Sunday.  He wanted to make it special, and being a big lover of pie, the dessert became a "Pie Per Week."

Angie loves to cook, and thought it would be a lot of fun to join in the kitchen with her husband baking pies together.  She also had the idea to give a pie away each week, so each week we have a pie recipent to share with.  Hopefully by reading you will capture a good recipe, a new cooking skill, or enjoy a bit of humor along the way.

Angie Richardson is currently an office manager for a dental practice and has 5 years of restaurant experience.  From a family of cooks, she is a follower of The Food Network and The Pioneer Woman.

Brian Richardson is a Global Product Instructor for ExactTarget. He is a social media fan, Improv novice, lover of all types of music and a movie nut. Go Hoosiers, Colts, Pacers, and Reds!  Follow him on Twitter here.

Brian and Angie have been married for 18 years and have three children and a Yorkie named Sophie.

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