Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Cherry Pie

Paul and Mariliyn
Angie:  When we were trying to figure out what kind of pie to make this week I thought it would be fun to pose the question on Facebook "What is your favorite pie?"  I had several responses, but one from our friend Paul Smith really excited me.  "Cherry"  I'd heard his wife Marilyn had an amazing cherry pie recipe so I reached out and asked her for the recipe.  One things that was for sure, we had to go to GFS to get fresh frozen tart cherries.
GFS Cherries

Brian:  We will take a recipe from anywhere, but it is always special when we can find one from a friend or a relative.  We know you can go and search for any pie recipe on Pinterest or All Recipes, but if we can find a family favorite, we are bringing something unique to the party.

Angie:  The other fantastic thing I found was a crust recipe from my grandmother's recipe collection.  It was really easy to work with.  Our pie recipient of the week, whom we will mention later, asked for cooking classes and described the crust as unbelievable.  Pie crust, I may finally be getting the hang of it.  I even did a lattice top on one of them!

My first lattice pie attempt
Brian:  The pie filling was super easy to make.  You add some cherries, sugar, cherry pie  filling, almond extract, and cinnamon.  I have to admit, I never thought I'd ever see almond extract or cinnamon in a cherry pie recipe.  However, the recipe strongly encourages it, and the flavor of the pie turned out great.  It was a little "soupy," so we will use a thickening agent like cornstarch next time.

The only bad thing about making cherry pie, is that it reminded me of the awful song made by Warrant in the 80's.  I do love 80's metal, that particular song is just like nails on a chalkboard for me.  However, I was able to overlook it for the deliciousness of pie!

Angie:  I've actually seen Warrant in concert performing that song!

Pie Recipient of the Week!

We really have come full circle with our church on this week's blog.  The pie recipe came from one of the former staff members of our church, and the recipient is from our church as well.  Dee plays music in the church and has been our daughter's piano teacher for the last three years.  She is one of those kind of people who gives selflessly of herself.  She and her hubby have three gorgeous, smart, talented daughters.

Dee and her beautiful daughter!
I must admit, this was probably the funniest delivery we've ever had.  I went driving looking for her, because we like it to be a surprise, and I thought I would find her working at the church tonight with the high schoolers.  When I couldn't find her there I had another friend offer to take it off my hands ;)   I drove to her house and knocked on the door.  First her daughter came to the door, and then her husband.  Her husband was joking that she didn't even want to come to the door, but she was so surprised and so thankful.  They were just craving something sweet and about to make some cookie dough, so our timing couldn't have been better.  It couldn't happen to a nicer person than Dee, so I'm glad they enjoyed the pie.

Do you know somebody in the Indianapolis area that deserves a pie?  Do you have a recipe that you would like to share?  If so, please comment, we'd love to hear from you!


2 1/2 cups, approximately, frozen cherries

1 can cherry pie filling

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp almond ext (optional - but tasty)

2 crust pie shell - unbaked

Place cherry mixture in unbaked shell - sprinkle w/cinnamon

Dot w/butter

Place top unbaked crust on top of cherries - sprinkle slightly w/sugar

Bake 400 degrees - 45 min. (I put strips of foil around edge of crust to

keep from getting too brown before pie is done)

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