Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Caramel Pie

Caramel Pie

Dry Ingredients
Brian:  I am really lucky to work for a great corporation.  Not only does ExactTarget make great software, but they also are interested in giving back to the community.  This week provided a great example, as employees around the world were given Starbucks gift cards to give to a stranger or a well deserving person.  To get in the spirit, Angie thought it would be a great idea to give two pies away this week, as she had two great recipients in mind.

Combining Wet and Dry Ingredients
Angie:  I have a good friend who has spent way too much time in the hospital.  We also felt like it would be a good idea to give one to the person who gave us the recipe, who is
celebrating her birthday today.

Brian:  I feel like we say this a lot, but this was a pretty straight forward pie to make.  I have to admit, I had no idea how many pies one could make utilizing a microwave, and this pie falls in that category.  Now that Angie has mastered the crust, there are a number of pies you can make simply by combining the ingredients, and heating them up until they thicken.  You are basically adding a pudding-like filling to the crust.

Yes!  A microwave recipe.
Angie:  I started out by getting the crust going (I promise I will have a separate post for the crust recipe soon!) and I needed to make 4 pie crusts.  We made a cherry pie for my friend who has been in the hospital, as that is her favorite, and that pie recipe can be found here.  For the caramel pie, we needed to pre-bake them.

So good...
Brian:  While the pie crust was cooking, Angie started assembling all the ingredients.  The only thing you don't add prior to cooking is the vanilla.  Angie started the cooking process, and basically the recipe states to stir after each minute the mixture cooks in the microwave.  Since we were making two pies, this was taking awhile, so Angie had us do the stirring at 1.5 minute intervals.

Angie:  I had to take a taste of the filling before putting the bowl in the sink, and I knew that this was going to be a good day.  The flavor was great, and then we just needed to endure the long wait until it cooled and set up in the refrigerator.  I would advise adding a little bit of cool whip to the pie as a topper, and it was delicious.

Pie of the Week Recipients

The cherry pie went to Amy and Jeff Anders.  Amy and I met when our kids were in elementary school.  Amy has cardiomyopathy and has been through several frightening surgeries.  She is home recovering from her last surgery now.  She had mentioned, while in the hospital, that she loved cherry pie.  I couldn't wait for her to get home so we could take one to her!  To read Amy's story and learn how you can help, click this link... 

Our second recipient is Laurie.  I met her through a good friend and she just so happens to be married to a high school classmate of Brian's.  Laurie was one of the first people to respond when Brian and I started blogging and sent recipes to us.  Her recipe is my favorite kind of recipe, one passed down through generations from her grandmother.  The fact that it's her birthday was an added bonus!!

Laurie's son holds the caramel pie


2 already baked pie shells
6T Butter
4T Flour
2 C of milk (we used half and half)
2 C of brown sugar
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
1 tub of whipped topping

Mix butter, flour, brown sugar together in a microwave safe bowl. Beat eggs and milk and add to mixture. Whisk all together. You can microwave it or use a double boiler but cook it until it gets thicker than a pudding consistency  If you use a microwave, be sure to stir each minute.  We made a double batch and microwaved for a total of 18 minutes.  Microwaves vary so yours may take more or less time.  Once it has thickened, add the vanilla and stir. Pour the filling into already baked crust and let cool in fridge for several hours. Once it is completely cool you can top with whipped topping and drizzle lightly with caramel ice cream topping.

About Your Bakers

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