Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Derby Pie

Derby Pie

Brian:  The state of Kentucky has many things it is known for, and we will feature two of them in this week’s pie.  Bourbon whiskey and Derby pie are staples in Kentucky, and we will include both with our Derby pie and bourbon cream sauce.  We have found many family and friends who aren't familiar with Derby Pie, so here is a link to provide some historical context.

Angie:  We knew that we were spending Saturday with my family.  Periodically we have “movie night” with my family in Bloomington.  We try to create a cuisine that goes with the movie, and past choices have been “Casablanca” and Moroccan Food, and we featured breakfast offerings for “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”  We put on a full blown wedding for “Wedding Crashers!”  This week featured the movie “The High and The Mighty,” and since the setting of the movie is on an airplane, the food was served on trays as if you were on an airplane.

My Mother Pat rolling out a pie crust
Brian:  We knew we had to take our show on the road, so we tried to choose a pie we could pack everything we needed to bring with us.  We also wanted to work with Angie’s mother Pat, who is a great cook in her own right.

My daughter Emilee working the crust
Angie:  Brian went out Saturday 
evening, and since the crusts have added significantly to the cooking time, I worked on the crusts with my mother and my daughter Emilee.  My mom gave me some good tips on working with crust and I was finally able to roll out a decent crust after watching her.  I used one of the crust recipes from last week’s post, and it worked much better this week.

Pecan Pie Crust
I also made a pecan crust, which comes from my mother-in-law Kathleen, which we use for a different dessert.  In hindsight, we probably shouldn’t have pre-baked the pie crusts as these pies cook in the oven for a considerable time.  Pre-baking them made them a bit crispier than normal.

Brian:  I woke up Saturday morning, and I was in charge of making the pie filling and the bourbon cream sauce.  Some derby pie recipes feature bourbon in them, but we chose to omit that from the recipe.  Though there was some debate on whether or not to include pecans, since I was making the filling, I won that debate.  J

Finished pie crusts
Angie:  I enjoy toasted pecans on salads.  I love pecan pie.  I do not like pecans in my chocolate chip cookies, they get stuck in my teeth and drive me crazy.  I was also too tired to argue.  The combination of springing forward for Daylight savings time, and being awoken by my nephew’s cell phone alarm at 6:30 a.m., made for a tired Angie. 

Adding in the pie filling
Brian:  Quite frankly, it is a really quick and easy filling to make.  You simply combine the butter and sugar, add the eggs and vanilla, and stir in the chips and pecans.  My friend uses a balloon whisk to make the bourbon cream by hand, but I chose to use what he called the “sissy way” by using a hand mixer.  My excuse is that I was that I made the sauce with my daughter, otherwise I’m sure I would have done it the manly way.  I always defer to Angie to help determine when the pie is done.

My Nephew Riley
Angie:  The pie was golden brown on top, but still soft in the center.  We left the other pies in a bit longer so they would cook through.  The crust was a bit crumbly which I’m sure came from pre-baking the crust.  We won’t do that next time.  I suffered though the pecans because the delicious, gooeyness was just amazing!

My Nephew Hunter
Brian:  The pie was probably a bit underdone, but I think of a derby pie like a big chocolate chip cookie, and the less you bake a cookie the more ooey and gooey it gets.  I added the bourbon cream sauce, and the complimentary flavors were outstanding.  My nephews Hunter and Riley gave the pie high marks, and it is my favorite pie we have made so far.

Angie:  Pie of the week goes to…  The pie with the pecan crust goes to the company my mom works for, Gentry Group.  They are a fantastic local builder in Bloomington and they are comprised of some pretty amazing people.

We made a smaller pie for my mom’s boyfriend, John, who does so much for us and is a wonderful cook.  He also provided the bourbon.   We couldn’t leave him without a pie.

Pecan Crust Recipe

1c flour
1/2c pecans
8T melted butter
1T cold water 

Directions: Stir and spread in pan, bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Bourbon cream
1 cup heavy cream
¼ cup confectioners (powered) sugar
1 generous tablespoon bourbon (I generally use Knob Creek or Buffalo Trace…you could also use Bakers (Jim Beam Small Batch) as it has a richer and sweeter hint of vanilla flavor to it)
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract (or preferred is 1 vanilla bean)

Directions:  Use a metal bowl (copper is best but stainless works too) place it in fridge for about 30 minutes to get it cold and make sure all liquid ingredients are cold too.  Pour the cold cream into the cold bowl and mix – I use a balloon whisk but you may also use a hand mixer – until soft peaks start to form.  Add remaining ingredients and continue to whip until stiff peaks 

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