Monday, September 30, 2013

A Pie Per Week: French Silk Pie

French Silk Pie

Brian:  Well we are back after a week long hiatus.  For those who didn't read our Facebook status, we did make a pie last week, we just weren't pleased with the recipe.  It didn't make sense to post the recipe and give away a pie that we all universally disliked, so we just opted to count it as a loss, and move on.

Pre-Bake Crust and let cool

Angie:  I actually wrote in to the website to complain I was so displeased with it.  It is too bad, because Pumpkin Spice Latte pie sounded heavenly!  It looked really good.  (Sigh)

Pumpkin Spice Latte pie was a bust

Brian:  When we made our brown sugar pie, we had a certain someone who made a request for French Silk Pie, so we decided to put it on our list.  Angie is an avid follower of The Pioneer Woman, and we have had good luck with her recipes in the past, so we pulled one from her playbook.  You start by melting a bar of unsweetened bakers chocolate, and let it cool.

Heat Chocolate until stirrable

Angie:  Next you cream together two softened sticks of butter, 1.5 cups of sugar, and 1 tsp of vanilla.

Butter, sugar, and vanilla

Brian:  After your chocolate has cooled, you then drizzle it in with the other ingredients.

Add Chocolate to Sugar/Vanilla/Butter mixture

Angie:  Next, you need to start adding eggs.  This is a recipe where you add raw eggs, so please be careful if you are pregnant, under 3, or have a suppressed immune system for any reason.  Consider pasteurized eggs as a way to eliminate that risk.

Now, per the recipe we used, you add one egg,  and let it mix for 4 minutes before adding the next egg.  This recipe takes 4 eggs, so you are mixing for 16 minutes.  One tip, don't crack the egg and add directly to the mixing bowl.  First of all, you may inadvertently add shell to the mixture.  Secondly, you would hate for a discolored egg to ruin the look of your pie.  Cracking the eggs in a bowl puts you in control.

Patience, add one egg every 4 minutes.

Brian:  I had a great education on pasteurized eggs for this pie, it is a relatively new process, having been invented in the 1990's.  After blending for 16-20 minutes, you are ready to add the filling to your pre-baked and cooled pie crust.

Angie:  The pie was very rich, but really tasty!

Brian:  Angie added some whipped cream and shaved chocolate to give the pie a great presentation.  I agree with Angie that this was very rich, but it had a nice consistency and a great texture.

Pie Recipient of the Week:

Andy is our pie recipient of the week.  He heads up the training and instructional design team I am a member of at ExactTarget.  He shared the pie, along with some cupcakes shared by another team member, and it was nice to see lots of my colleagues have an opportunity to partake.

Nolan devours the French Silk Pie

And since Nolan asked for a French Silk pie, we couldn't leave him out of the deal. :)


This Recipe came from the Pioneer Woman Website

4 ounces, weight Unsweetened Baking Chocolate
1 cup Salted Butter, Softened
1-1/2 cup Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
4 whole Eggs
1 package Baked Pie Shell

Preparation Instructions
In small microwave safe bowl melt 4 ounces of unsweetened baking chocolate until stirrable (about 45 seconds on high). Set aside to cool.

In a large bowl with an electric mixer beat 1 cup (2 sticks) of regular (salted) butter and 1 ½ cups of white sugar until fluffy (about 1 to 2 minutes). When melted chocolate is cooled, drizzle it over the butter/sugar mixture. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Beat the mixture thoroughly until combined (on a Kitchen Aid mixer, you will be using the whisk attachment).

Turn your mixer to a medium speed and over a period of 15 to 20 minutes add in the four eggs, one at a time, leaving about 5 minutes between each egg addition. Once the pie filling is well mixed, pour it into the baked pie shell, scraping every last speck of it out of the bowl. Smooth out the pie filling and place pie in the refrigerator to chill for at least two hours (preferably longer).
Plop a heap of whipped cream and garnish with a few chocolate curls if desired.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Honey Pecan Pie

Honey Pecan Pie
Brian:  Sorry for the delayed post, this is the longest we have gone between making the pie and writing the blog.  It has just been a very busy week.  My company had their annual user conference, and it has been a bit of a whirlwind.  We actually had a private concert with Imagine Dragons and The Avett Brothers, and both bands were great!

The Avett Brothers

Angie:  With Brian prepping for and attending his conference, this was a pie that I made with my eldest daughter Andrea.  Every week when we ask each other what kind of pie we should make Andrea says "pecan."  I told her we already made and blogged about pecan and she said "honey pecan."  I think she loves pecan pie, so we thought we would try Honey Pecan Pie.  Miss Kay, from Duck Dynasty, frequently mentions making this and it sounded good.


Angie:  I did a google search for Duck Dynasty and pecan pie and came up with nothing.  I did find a couple of other recipes and you pretty much replace the corn syrup in regular pecan pie with honey.  You don't use any other added sugar, and use less butter.

Butter is added, but less than in a pecan pie

Angie:  The first thing I asked Andrea to do was put 6 eggs in the mixing bowl.  She did exactly what I asked.  She is a funny one...

Eggs ready to be mixed.  :)

Angie:  Then I asked her to CRACK 6 eggs into the mixing bowl.

Cracking eggs

Angie:  I have the greatest husband!  I call him Conan!  (I love when Brian helps me type my lines of the blog.) :)

Brent and Brian

Angie:  Beat the eggs until foamy.

Egg foamification

Angie:  Add the honey in a fine stream.  Beat in the butter, vanilla and salt.  Stir in the pecans and pour into an unbaked pie shell.

Add honey

Angie:  Bake in a 400 degree oven for the first 10 minutes.  Reduce the oven temperature to 300 degrees and bake for 20 minutes longer.  Reduce oven temperature again to 250 degrees and bake for approximately 10 minutes longer or until filling is firm.

Add the mixture and pecans in a pie shell

Brian:  I don't care for pecan pie because it is too buttery sweet for me.  This has less butter, and I actually really liked it!

Let's bake!

Angie:  This pie was ok, I actually love the buttery sweetness of a pecan pie.  I also didn't care for the texture.  I guess what I'm saying... I like pecan pie better.  :)

Pie Recipient of the Week

Our pie recipient of the week is Jennifer.  She is another person who Brian worked with at CP Morgan, and now works with at ExactTarget.  She used to have to go over Brian's contracts at CP Morgan, and let's just say sales people are often not the most detail oriented folks in the world.  If anybody deserves a pie, it is this lady!  

I know she took the opportunity to share the pie with her floor, which demonstrates what a quality individual that she is.  Hooray for Jennifer and Hooray for pie!

  • Recipe for Honey Pecan Pie


    3 eggs
    1 cup honey
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    1tbsp. melted butter, cooled
    1/4 tsp. salt
    1 cup coarsely chopped pecans
    1 unbaked pie shell, chilled


    Beat eggs until foamy.  Continue beating while adding honey in a fine stream.  Beat in vanilla, butter and salt.  Add pecans and pour into pie shell.  Bake in a 400 degree oven for the first 10 minutes.  Reduce the oven temperature to 300 degrees and bake for 20 minutes longer.  Reduce oven temperature again to 250 degrees and bake for approximately 10 minutes longer or until filling is firm.  Let cool completely before serving.         Recipe from

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Soda Pie

Soda Pie

Brian:  One of our favorite things to do is to make a pie that has been submitted from one of our readers.  This week we feature a recipe from a follower of our blog, and it is called Soda Pie.

Our first pie with Malted Milk!

Angie:  The title can be a bit misleading, because there is actually no soda in the pie.  However, it does have vanilla ice cream, malted milk,  and hot fudge.  Those ingredients do have a soda fountain feel to them, and it is my guess, that is the inspiration for the name.  Thank you for the recipe Lora!!!

The crust of cones smelled so good.

Brian:  Our daughter Emilee has been asking to make a pie, from start to finish, for quite some time.  I helped supervise, but this pie was all Emilee.  Since it is her pie, we'll let her share how she made it.

Commence Cone Crushing!

Emilee:  The crust is made of crushed sugar cones.  So the first step was to crush them in the blender.  Next, I added the melted butter and sugar, and mixed together with our upright mixer.

Combining ingredients for the crust
Emilee:  Next, you press the pie crust in the bottom, and up the sides of a 9-inch pie plate.  Some recipes recommend freezing the crust before adding the wet ingredients, so we decided to freeze it for 30 minutes. 

Emilee:  The next part was taking the stems off of the strawberries, and creating a puree.  Most of the strawberry mixture is puree, but you also add some chopped strawberries as well.

Mmmm strawberries

Emilee:  While the crust is thawing, it is a good idea to sit out your ice cream to allow it to soften.  We stirred together the vanilla ice cream, and strawberry mixture, and malted milk.  This forms the filling of the pie, and once you are finished, you pour into the shell and let it freeze overnight.

Add the strawberry mixture to the crust and freeze

Emilee:  We waited until the next morning to add the hot fudge.  The recipe advises spreading the fudge in a circle, leaving a 1/2 inch ring around the outer circle of the pie.  We decided to just spread the fudge to the edge, because more fudge is better, right?

Hot fudge is a great topper for this pie

Emilee:  I thought the pie was very good i enjoyed letting it sit out and letting the fudge get melted although it took some patience to let the pie sit.  It was all worth the wait in the end because it was delicious!!

Brian:  I enjoyed the pie, especially the crust.  I am not a huge fan of strawberry ice cream, and although this doesn't technically have any strawberry ice cream in it, it has that flavor.  I was thinking how awesome a chocolate ice cream/hot fudge version would be.  This was really a fun pie to make!

Soda Pie by the slice

Angie:  I love strawberry ice cream and chocolate so this pie was a real winner for me!!  The crust was excellent and we will utilize it in other pies I am sure!!

Pie Recipient of the Week:

Teri and her girls

Our pie recipients of the week are Teri and Tim.  Tim and Brian have literally been friends since the 1st grade, and attended Indiana University together.  Today was Teri's birthday, so it seemed like a great day to share.  They also have the cutest little puppy, and she and Emilee had fun together.


1-1/2 cups crushed sugar cones (about 12)
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
3-1/2 cups fresh strawberries, divided
1 quart vanilla ice cream, softened
1/3 cup malted milk powder
1-1/2 cups fudge ice cream topping, softened
Additional Strawberries, optional

Combine crushed sugar cones, butter, and sugar.  Press into bottom and up sides of an ungreased 10 inch pie plate.  Freeze.  Place 3 cups of strawberries in blender or food processor; cover and puree. Chop remaining strawberries.  Place pureed and chopped strawberries in a large bowl.  Add Ice Cream and malted milk powder; stir to blend.  Pour into prepared crust. Cover and freeze overnight. Spread fudge topping over pie within 1 inch of edge.  Freeze for at least 2 hours.  Remove from freezer 20 minutes before serving.  Garnish with additional strawberries if desired.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Apple Pie

Brian:  Angie and I try to make our anniversary special each year.  We rotate the responsibility, but one spouse is in charge of making plans, and it is always a surprise to the other spouse.  This year was Angie's turn, and she did a fabulous job.

Having fun in Branson, MO
Angie:  I made weekend plans for Brian and I to go to Branson, MO.  At first I told him we were going to St. Louis, where we made a stop for lunch, but then we left for our hotel... which was another four hours away.  :)  While in St. Louis, we got a chance to sample another of our favorite pies, a pizza pie!

Pizza Pie!
Brian:  We had a great time and packed in quite a bit in 3 very full days.  I saw racing ostriches, opera, Chinese acrobats, a musical, and a country variety show.  Since we knew we were going to be gone, we looked for one of my favorite bakers, my mom.

Sliced Apples Ready!
Angie:  When Brian and I first married 19 years ago.  There were 2 recipes that I had to learn that his mother made.  One was peanut butter fudge (which I still can't make the same) and apple pie.  I love this apple pie recipe and I always get tons of compliments on it.  You start out peeling, coring, and slicing up your apples, and putting 1/2 of them in the unbaked pie crust.  

Angie:  Spread 1/2 of the flour on top of the apples.

Angie:  Cook butter and brown sugar in a saucepan until boiling and beginning to thicken.

Angie:  Pour 1/2 of the brown sugar mixture on the apples and flour, then add remaining apples, flour and remaining mixture.  Slice butter and place on top.  Are you starting to see what makes this pie so delicious?

Angie:  Top with a crust, whatever type you desire, this is a lattice.  Baste top with an egg wash,  cover the crust edges and bake.

Angie:  make sure you cook until the mixture thickens and begins to escape the lattice structure.

Brian:  Unfortunately, they left me the tiniest piece of pie imaginable!  And that my friends should tell you how good it was.  :)  I just love this pie and this and my mom's peanut butter fudge are unmatched!

My Mom
Angie:  I love this pie recipe and it has been my go to pie for years thanks to my wonderful mother in law!!  I also want to shout out a big thanks for my inlaws tending to our children and home while my hubby and I took a weekend away ;)  THANK YOU!!!

Pie Recipient of the Week

Our pie recipient of the week is my cousin Kristie and her family.  My dad and his brothers are very close, all relocating from Virginia to the burgeoning auto scene that was plentiful in the Midwest in the early 70's.  I have many fond memories of Kristie, going all the way back to our time as kids.  She does a terrific Bionic Woman impersonation, just in case you are wondering.

I hope they enjoyed it with a nice cup of black coffee, the family beverage of choice.


4 medium apples
3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon.  

Core and peel the apples and place half in the bottom of the pie crust. Put half the flour, cinnamon and sugar mixture on top of the layer of apples.  Put the remaining apples on top of the mixture and the rest of the flour mixture over that.  Put 3/4 brown sugar and 1 stick of butter in pan and heat until the brown sugar has dissolved.  Pour over apples and put the crust on top of the pie and bake 325 for 1hr. and 45 min..