Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Apple Pie

Brian:  Angie and I try to make our anniversary special each year.  We rotate the responsibility, but one spouse is in charge of making plans, and it is always a surprise to the other spouse.  This year was Angie's turn, and she did a fabulous job.

Having fun in Branson, MO
Angie:  I made weekend plans for Brian and I to go to Branson, MO.  At first I told him we were going to St. Louis, where we made a stop for lunch, but then we left for our hotel... which was another four hours away.  :)  While in St. Louis, we got a chance to sample another of our favorite pies, a pizza pie!

Pizza Pie!
Brian:  We had a great time and packed in quite a bit in 3 very full days.  I saw racing ostriches, opera, Chinese acrobats, a musical, and a country variety show.  Since we knew we were going to be gone, we looked for one of my favorite bakers, my mom.

Sliced Apples Ready!
Angie:  When Brian and I first married 19 years ago.  There were 2 recipes that I had to learn that his mother made.  One was peanut butter fudge (which I still can't make the same) and apple pie.  I love this apple pie recipe and I always get tons of compliments on it.  You start out peeling, coring, and slicing up your apples, and putting 1/2 of them in the unbaked pie crust.  

Angie:  Spread 1/2 of the flour on top of the apples.

Angie:  Cook butter and brown sugar in a saucepan until boiling and beginning to thicken.

Angie:  Pour 1/2 of the brown sugar mixture on the apples and flour, then add remaining apples, flour and remaining mixture.  Slice butter and place on top.  Are you starting to see what makes this pie so delicious?

Angie:  Top with a crust, whatever type you desire, this is a lattice.  Baste top with an egg wash,  cover the crust edges and bake.

Angie:  make sure you cook until the mixture thickens and begins to escape the lattice structure.

Brian:  Unfortunately, they left me the tiniest piece of pie imaginable!  And that my friends should tell you how good it was.  :)  I just love this pie and this and my mom's peanut butter fudge are unmatched!

My Mom
Angie:  I love this pie recipe and it has been my go to pie for years thanks to my wonderful mother in law!!  I also want to shout out a big thanks for my inlaws tending to our children and home while my hubby and I took a weekend away ;)  THANK YOU!!!

Pie Recipient of the Week

Our pie recipient of the week is my cousin Kristie and her family.  My dad and his brothers are very close, all relocating from Virginia to the burgeoning auto scene that was plentiful in the Midwest in the early 70's.  I have many fond memories of Kristie, going all the way back to our time as kids.  She does a terrific Bionic Woman impersonation, just in case you are wondering.

I hope they enjoyed it with a nice cup of black coffee, the family beverage of choice.


4 medium apples
3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup white sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon.  

Core and peel the apples and place half in the bottom of the pie crust. Put half the flour, cinnamon and sugar mixture on top of the layer of apples.  Put the remaining apples on top of the mixture and the rest of the flour mixture over that.  Put 3/4 brown sugar and 1 stick of butter in pan and heat until the brown sugar has dissolved.  Pour over apples and put the crust on top of the pie and bake 325 for 1hr. and 45 min..


  1. The apple pie was fabulous and how did you know it was my favorite. I have very fond memories of growing up with the "twins" (I still get asked how I tell them apart). Yes, my cousin Teresa and I did love to play Bionic Woman but always along side Brent and Brian playing "The Six Million Dollar Man". Kent says for future reference Chocolate Cream is his favorite, just in case you wanted to know.

    1. I still do an AWESOME "Six Million Dollar Man!" :) I'm glad you enjoyed the pie.
