Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Pie Per Week: Peach Pie

Peach Pie

Brian:  We had a very busy but awesome weekend!  And thanks to the help of our Life Group, we gave away about 3 months worth of pies in one day!  We will talk more about that later.

Avon High School Class of 1988- 25 Year Reunion

Angie:  Brian's twin brother, Brent was in town, and he is always lots of fun.  He was also willing to let us put him to work.  The peaches we had at Anderson's Orchard a couple of weeks ago were delicious, so we headed back to get some for our pie.

Peaches at Anderson Orchard

Brian:  I had lots to learn about preparing peaches, as this is something I've never done before.  Angie showed me that the first step is to score the peach on the bottom.

Scoring a Peach

Angie:  The next thing you do is to get your water boiling, and then you want to drop your peaches in for about 40 seconds.

Boiling Peaches to Prepare for Peeling

Brian:  After you remove the peaches from the boiling water, you want to have a bowl of ice water to cool them off.  We had quite the assembly line going for this and then we brought them over to be peeled.  

Cooling Peach Off in Water

Angie:  Brent and Brian set to peeling the peaches, which doubled our productivity.  As we were making 4 pies this week, it was nice to have his clone around to help.  While we were at it we peeled enough for another pie and froze them for later.

Brent and Brian, Peeling studs!

Brian:  We would then ship the peeled peaches over to Angie, where she would cut them into slices.

Fresh Sliced Peaches

Angie:  The biggest part of the preparation of this pie is getting the peaches ready.  Then all you need to do is combine all your ingredients except for the butter.

Combining the Ingredients

Brian:  After you mix your spices and sugars, you pour the mixture into the pie shell and dot with butter.

Adding the Filling and Dotting With Butter

Angie:  I then went to work on topping with the lattice strips.  Since we were making so many pies this week, and we had Brian's reunion, we opted to go with a store bought crust.  

Lattice Preparation

Brian:  I'm impressed with Angie's ability to do the lattice.  I currently have no desire to learn how to do that, but it does look nice.  :)

Peach Pie With Lattice Crust

Angie:  We've had trouble with fruit pies in the past not thickening up and we fixed that with this pie.  We added cornstarch and flour since the peaches were so juicy and it really worked!  I loved this pie, it had great sweetness, flavor and the texture was fantastic!!

Two of Our Four Pies

Brian:  I really enjoyed this pie!  The flavor was great and the consistency was really good.  I've been craving this for quite some time, so this really hit the spot!

Pie Recipients of the Week

Congratulations John, Kyle, Jeff, Lisa, Shawn, Beau, Jess, Jeff, Mark, Megan, Chris, Lisa, and Kevin!

We were meeting with our life group this week to begin our year with a new study, and although we normally have a meal with our meetings, this time we didn't because we were meeting in the middle of the afternoon. One of our fellow group leaders knew that we baked pies every Sunday and suggested we all bring a pie to share with each other.  From there it grew to all of us bringing two, one to eat and one to give.  Then after looking at the list we wanted to gift with a pie, they made 1 to share and 2 to give and we made a total of 4!  
When we have delivered pies to folks who serve at our church, we always feel bad that we leave somebody out, and I'm sure we have done that this time as well.  However, it feels good to offer a little something to let them know how much we appreciate them.  For those pastors who are out of town on mission trips, your families have assured us that the pie will not be wasted.  :)  Hooray for Kingsway!

Our life Group!  Thank you to the Lindsey, Watson, Schanz, East, Hawkins, and Mitchell families for your time, talents and delivery skills.   We love doing Life with you!
Our Life Group and Pie Baking Delivery Team!


10 delicious, juicy peaches peeled and sliced
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
3 T cornstarch
1/3 cup flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 t almond extract
2 Tablespoons butter
9 inch double pie crust

Peel and slice peaches, place in bowl.  Add all other ingredients except butter and stir together.  Pour into unbaked pie crust, dot with butter, place other crust on top.  Cover edges of pie crust with a pie guard or aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees F for 60 minutes or until crust is brown and filling is thick and bubbling.  Remove pie guard before cooking is complete to brown.

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