Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Pie Per Week: Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookie PIe

Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

Brian:  Our good friend Lori asked if she could provide the pie of the week and the blog this week, so this post is all hers.

Angie:  We've been good friends with she and her family for many years, and we have been in the same Life Group at church as well.  We're very lucky to have met them, and we are the better for having known them.  Being pie recipients this week was a nice ending to our first year of our pie blog.  I can't believe it's been a year!  Thank you so much Lori!!!!

Lori and her family
Hi, everyone.  My name is Lori, and I am so excited that the Richardsons allowed me to bless them with a pie this week.  They have blessed so many over this past year with their pies and have truly inspired many more with their great blog and their giving hearts.  I have known the Richardsons for several years through our church, and about six years ago we began co leading a Life Group through our church.  They are an amazing couple and I love being able to call them my friends.

Our Life Group sending pies to our church pastors and staff

Today we decided to have our Life Group meet up today after church since this month our normal Saturday meet ups were not working with any of our schedules.  Every time our group gets together, food is involved.  We usually plan a pitch in meal, and this time I signed up to bring desserts.  Since it is a Sunday, and Sundays are pie days at The Richardsons, I contacted Angie and asked if I could make the pie for this week and they be the pie recipients for a change.  I was so happy when they agreed!!  Let me give you a fair warning, I am no way near the baker Angie is, so the pie I chose is very simple, but simple is good, right??

Okay, enough rambling, I’m sure you are ready for the pie.  I don’t know about you, but I love Pinterest, so that is where I found the pie I’m making for today.  Who doesn’t like chocolate chip cookies and milk??  Well, I know I do, so when I saw this pin for No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie, I knew I had to try it.  Here is the link for the original blog post for this pie.

Chips Ahoy Cookies!

The ingredients cannot get any simpler.  All you need is a graham cracker crust, tub of Cool Whip, a glass of milk and one package of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies (they need to be original and not the chewy kind).

The pie ingredients

Then, you dip a cookie in the glass of milk then put on your crust.  Continue to do that until you have a layer of cookies.
Getting your cookies ready

Then, scoop out some Cool Whip and spread it over the cookies.  Repeat layers of cookies and Cool Whip for a total of three layers each.

Add Cool Whip to the cookies

When you have all your layers done, crush three to four cookies in a bowl.  You could crush them directly over the pie, but I liked doing it in a bowl first in case some of the pieces were too big.  Once you  crush your cookies, then just sprinkle them over the pie.  Now, the hard part.  Cover the pie and put it in the fridge.  I decided to do it overnight.

You've heard of candy crush?  This is cookie crush.

I did have a slice of the pie during our Life Group, and I thought it was pretty tasty.  I would recommend this pie if anyone is looking for a simple dessert.  You can’t go wrong with chocolate chip cookies and Cool Whip.

Pie Recipient of the Week

And, here is a picture of our fabulous pie bloggers, Brian and Angie, receiving their pie today.  Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of this.  Love you both!!

Brian and Angie


1 (13 oz.) package chocolate chip cookies (original crunchy, not soft & chewy) ~ I use Chips               Ahoy!
1 (9 oz.) prepared graham cracker pie crust
1 c. milk
1 (8 oz.) container Cool Whip

1. Place milk in a measuring cup. Dunk cookies, one at a time, in the milk and place in a single                 layer in the bottom of the graham cracker crust. (Dunk each cookie quickly or it will absorb too           much milk and crumble apart on you.) Spread 1/3 of the Cool Whip evenly over the cookies.
2. Repeat to create two more layers of cookies and Cool Whip.
3. Crumble 3-4 cookies and sprinkle on top of the pie. Cover and chill for at least 8 hours before             serving.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Pie Per Week: Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint Pie

Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint Pie

Brian:  This time of year tons of New Year's diet resolutions are falling by the wayside.  Why?  Girl Scout Cookies are everywhere!

Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mints

Angie:  I love Girl Scout Cookies, and thin mints are my favorite!  I love to put them in the freezer and eat them ice cold.

Thin mints ready for action

Brian:  Do Si Dos are clearly the finest of the Girl Scout Cookies, but they are all tasty.  We'd love to hear what your favorite Girl Scout Cookies are, so please comment below.

You can see the multiple layers in this pie

Angie:  Thin mints are definitely the best, and that is where we will start.  Take 10 thin mints from the box and set them aside, and the rest of the box will be used to form the crust.  We used a blender to crush them, and then you add 3 Tablespoons of butter.  Press the cookie mixture into the bottom of a 9 inch pie pan on the bottom and up the sides.

Making the crust

Brian:  Next, you will take 2 small boxes (4 serving size) of Jello instant chocolate pudding, and mix together with 2 Cups of Milk.

Well mixed instant chocolate pudding

Angie:  Next, you take 1 1/4 C of the pudding mixture and set aside, and stir in your peppermint extract.

Adding peppermint extract to part of the pudding

Brian:  Pour this on your crust as the first layer.

The first layer on top of the crust

Angie:  You take the rest of your pudding and combine it with 1 C of whipped topping.  Add this as your next layer.

The pudding and whipped topping layer

Brian:  Remember those 10 cookies we set aside?  You didn't eat them did you?  :)  We need to chop them up, we used a food processor, and combine with 2 1/2 C of whipped topping, and place this on as your final layer.  You can garnish with additional whipped topping and/or some cold chocolate syrup.

Mixing remaining cookies and whipped topping

Angie:  Thin mints are my favorite all time Girl Scout cookie.  When Brian mentioned making a pie with them I said, YES!  I loved this pie with it's thin mint crust and pepperminty layer of chocolate on the bottom with 2 layers a little lighter on top to even out the richness.  This pie is a winner in my book!!

Thin mint pie by the slice

Brian:  I really liked this pie!  I don't often order chocolate mint desserts, but I appreciate them.  The many layers of this pie really make it delicious.

Pie Recipient of the Week

Our pie of the week recipient is Brian's co-worker Matt.  Matt is a graphic designer and he and Brian work on the same team.  They share quite a bit in common.  First of all they work at the same place, and they each have a family of 5, with the same configuration of 1 boy and two girls.

They also share a very odd sense of humor.  :)  Here is to hoping Matt, Nadine, and their family enjoy the pie!


1 box Thin Mint cookies (32 cookies)
3 tablespoons melted butter
2 cups cold milk
2 packages (4-serving size each) Jell-O Chocolate Flavor Instant Pudding
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
1 tub (12 oz.) Cool Whip Whipped Topping, thawed, divided use

Remove 10 cookies and set aside.  Crush or process remaining cookies, then mix them with the butter. Press firmly onto bottom and up side of 9-inch pie plate.  

Pour milk into large bowl. Add both boxes of pudding mix and beat with wire whisk 2 minutes or until well blended. (Mixture will be thick.)  Spoon out 1 1/4 cup of pudding into another bowl and stir in peppermint extract.  Pour peppermint pudding mixture over crust.  To remaining pudding mix, add in 1 cup of whipped topping and blend.  Spread the pudding/whipped topping layer of the mint layer.
Chop remaining cookies and combine them with about 2 ½ cups whipped topping.  Spread this mixture over the top.  

Chill for 4 hours or until set

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Pie Per Week: Milky Way Midnight Pie

Milky Way Midnight pie

Brian:  What a great weekend we had!  It started by seeing one of my favorite comedians, Heywood Banks.  He is quirky, hilarious, and always manages to do this all by staying clean at the same time.  He is often featured on the nationally syndicated Bob & Tom Show, which is based here in Indianapolis.

Heywood Banks

Angie:  Our sons favorite candy bar is Milky Way Midnight, so that is why we chose it as our pie for the week.  He turns 18 this week, and it is the first of many big milestones this year.  Next will be graduation, and then he will start college in the fall.  Have I mentioned I'm not ready for this?  Because if I haven't, I'm not ready for this.

Milky Way Midnight candy bars

Brian:  You know you are having a rich pie, when you start with an Oreo crust.

Oreo Crust

Angie:  You start by combining your flour, sugar, cocoa mix, and salt.

Combining your dry ingredients

Brian:  Next, you add your egg yolks.

Add the egg yolks

Angie:  Slowly add your milk.

Whisk while adding in your milk

Brian:  You need to have your candy bars cut up, because you actually melt them as part of the recipe.  

Emilee helping cut up the candy 

Angie:  Next you add your candy pieces.

Emilee adding candy with a beauty IU logo on her nails!

Brian:  Next you start heating over medium heat and you stir... and stir...

Early stirring, candy not yet melted

Angie:  The Milky Way pieces will slowly start to melt away over time, and once they are completely gone, that is about the time the mixture starts to thicken.  You want this to get really thick, and it will get thicker than pudding.  Then you remove from heat and add your vanilla and butter.

Adding Butter and Vanilla

Brian:  Next, you'll want to pour into your pie shell and let it sit until it sets up.


Angie:  I hate to say this, but I didn't try this pie.  The smell was simply amazing and I'm sure I would have love, love, loved this pie tooooo much.

Heywood plays his most popular song, "Toast," on a toaster

Brian:  I really loved this pie.  I know we have made lots of different types of chocolate pie, but they are all different.  To actually make a pie with melted candy bars as part of the filling was fun.  And a chocolate filling with a chocolate crust?  Sign me up!

Pie Recipient of the Week

Our pie recipient of the week is our son Connor.  He is celebrating a major birthday, so we wanted to make a pie that we thought he would really enjoy.  We are biased, but he is just a great all around kid who gets along with everybody.

He's a good student, and he is the President and founder of the cycling club at his school.  He also is part of Peer Pals, which pairs general education students with students who have special needs.  He's a great son as well, we are proud to claim him as ours.

Connor's friend in peer pals, Noah,  refers to Valentine's Day as "Love Day."  We really like that, so a happy Love Day to you and yours this weekend!


1/3 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. instant cocoa mix
1/4 tsp. salt
2 eggs, separated
1 1/2 c. milk
2 (2 1/8 oz.) MILKY WAY MIDNIGHT® candy bars
1 tsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
In heavy saucepan, combine flour, sugar, cocoa mix and salt. Add egg yolks, reserve whites if you'd like to add a meringue. Gradually stir in milk. Add candy bars, cut into pieces. Cook over medium heat until very thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Blend in butter and vanilla. Cool slightly before pouring into prepared, baked pie shell.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Strawberry Jello Pie

Strawberry Jello Pie

Brian:  With the New Year upon us and lots of folks making healthy resolutions, present company included, we decided to make a pie that was a little more diet friendly than others.

Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle...

Angie:  With a busy Superbowl weekend, we also wanted to make a pie that was relatively quick and easy to make, and this fit the bill!  A long, long, loooooong, time ago, I used to make this pie without the extra sugar and with sugar free jello.  It was great for a sweet treat without a bunch of calories.  So if you are looking to eliminate calories, forego the sugar and use a reduced calorie crust!

Graham cracker crust

Brian:  This pie really only has a few steps.  First you need to slice your strawberries and place them in the bottom of your crust.

Sliced strawberries

Angie:  Next, you combine your cornstarch, sugar, and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil.  Simmer and stir constantly until thickened.

Boils until thickened

Angie:  Next, add the box of jello and stir until dissolved. Pour over your strawberries and refrigerate until set.

Add your mixture to the strawberries

Brian: I'm not a big fan of gelatin desserts, and gelatin with fruit makes the combination even more horrifying.  :)  It is a texture thing for me.  I did eat a slice, and it was okay, I'm just not a gelatin guy.

Strawberry pie ready to set

Angie:  My daughter Andrea and I really liked this pie.  It really is overly sweet with the added sugar so I would cut that back next time.  It isn't like eating jello, but is much thicker than the strawberry glaze packs you can buy in the grocery stores.

Pie Recipient of the Week

With some busy schedules and tough weather, we just didn't make it out to deliver this one.  We hope to get back on schedule next week!


3 Tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups water
3 oz box strawberry Jell-O
2 cups sliced strawberries
1 Graham Cracker Crust

Line bottom with the sliced strawberries.
Combine cornstarch, sugar and water in small saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add the Jell-O and stir until dissolved. Pour over the strawberries and refrigerate until set.

A Pie Per Week: Key Lime Pie

Brian: When you live in Indiana, you know you are going to have to endure some colder temperatures and snow.  However, this has been a particular harsh winter with inches of snow in the double digits and temperatures that begin with a minus symbol (-.)  I catch my self listening to Jimmy Buffett and drifting to the Florida Keys in my mind.  And when you are in the Florida Keys, nothing tastes better than some Key Lime pie.

Angie:  I went to several stores looking for key limes or key lime juice.  Everyone had regular lime juice, but I needed key lime juice because the flavor is different.  Key limes are more aromatic and intense in flavor.  Before we started blogging, we made a key lime pie, and freshly squeezing the juice is a pretty time consuming task because they are so small and thin skinned they are most difficult to squeeze into juice.  I was unlucky finding key lime juice, I was lucky in finding key limes.  :)

Brian:  I got the lucky task of juicing the limes.  The recipe only calls for 1/2 C, but since we make two pies, I needed a full cup of key lime juice.  I squeezed the entire bag and I was only at 3/4 C.

Brian:  Fortunately, we had one regular lime at the house, and that seemed like a better decision than running back out to the store.  Fortunately, that lime provided the exact amount of juice I needed.

Angie:  The juicing of the limes, if you go that route, is really the only difficult part involved with this pie.  You get started by combining your cream cheese and condensed milk.

Brian:  Next you add your lime juice.  Freshly squeezed for those of you who truly care about your pie.  :)

Angie:  Continue mixing until all is blended smoothly.

Brian:  Next, you pour your ingredients into your graham cracker crust.

Angie:  You'll want to smooth out the filling, and we found this filled the pie shell very full.

Brian:  After you have smoothed out your pie, you need to let this pie sit refrigerated for at least 4 hours.  We chose to let it set up over night.

Angie:  I'm not a key lime pie fan, I did take a taste and it was very key limey ;)

Brian:  I love key lime pie, so it is no surprise that this was a big hit for me.  I do find that I am more drawn to the tart versions, but that would not have been popular in my house.  My thanks to my friend Michelle who provided the recipe.

Pie Recipient of the Week

Our pie recipient of the week is Greg.  Greg is a gentleman who works in the same building as Brian, and they routinely greet each other with talk of local sports.  If Jim Irsay would simply add Brian and Greg to his weekly conversations, an annual SuperBowl win is certain!

We've delayed this post as Greg has not been able to send the photo, but once we get it, we will update it.


Easy key lime pie

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
1/2 c. key lime juice
1 graham cracker pie crust

In a mixer or food processor, mix cream cheese and condensed milk. Add 1/2 cup key lime juice. Pour mixture into graham cracker crust. Chill at least 4 hours or overnight.