Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Pie Per Week: Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookie PIe

Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie

Brian:  Our good friend Lori asked if she could provide the pie of the week and the blog this week, so this post is all hers.

Angie:  We've been good friends with she and her family for many years, and we have been in the same Life Group at church as well.  We're very lucky to have met them, and we are the better for having known them.  Being pie recipients this week was a nice ending to our first year of our pie blog.  I can't believe it's been a year!  Thank you so much Lori!!!!

Lori and her family
Hi, everyone.  My name is Lori, and I am so excited that the Richardsons allowed me to bless them with a pie this week.  They have blessed so many over this past year with their pies and have truly inspired many more with their great blog and their giving hearts.  I have known the Richardsons for several years through our church, and about six years ago we began co leading a Life Group through our church.  They are an amazing couple and I love being able to call them my friends.

Our Life Group sending pies to our church pastors and staff

Today we decided to have our Life Group meet up today after church since this month our normal Saturday meet ups were not working with any of our schedules.  Every time our group gets together, food is involved.  We usually plan a pitch in meal, and this time I signed up to bring desserts.  Since it is a Sunday, and Sundays are pie days at The Richardsons, I contacted Angie and asked if I could make the pie for this week and they be the pie recipients for a change.  I was so happy when they agreed!!  Let me give you a fair warning, I am no way near the baker Angie is, so the pie I chose is very simple, but simple is good, right??

Okay, enough rambling, I’m sure you are ready for the pie.  I don’t know about you, but I love Pinterest, so that is where I found the pie I’m making for today.  Who doesn’t like chocolate chip cookies and milk??  Well, I know I do, so when I saw this pin for No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie, I knew I had to try it.  Here is the link for the original blog post for this pie.

Chips Ahoy Cookies!

The ingredients cannot get any simpler.  All you need is a graham cracker crust, tub of Cool Whip, a glass of milk and one package of Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies (they need to be original and not the chewy kind).

The pie ingredients

Then, you dip a cookie in the glass of milk then put on your crust.  Continue to do that until you have a layer of cookies.
Getting your cookies ready

Then, scoop out some Cool Whip and spread it over the cookies.  Repeat layers of cookies and Cool Whip for a total of three layers each.

Add Cool Whip to the cookies

When you have all your layers done, crush three to four cookies in a bowl.  You could crush them directly over the pie, but I liked doing it in a bowl first in case some of the pieces were too big.  Once you  crush your cookies, then just sprinkle them over the pie.  Now, the hard part.  Cover the pie and put it in the fridge.  I decided to do it overnight.

You've heard of candy crush?  This is cookie crush.

I did have a slice of the pie during our Life Group, and I thought it was pretty tasty.  I would recommend this pie if anyone is looking for a simple dessert.  You can’t go wrong with chocolate chip cookies and Cool Whip.

Pie Recipient of the Week

And, here is a picture of our fabulous pie bloggers, Brian and Angie, receiving their pie today.  Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of this.  Love you both!!

Brian and Angie


1 (13 oz.) package chocolate chip cookies (original crunchy, not soft & chewy) ~ I use Chips               Ahoy!
1 (9 oz.) prepared graham cracker pie crust
1 c. milk
1 (8 oz.) container Cool Whip

1. Place milk in a measuring cup. Dunk cookies, one at a time, in the milk and place in a single                 layer in the bottom of the graham cracker crust. (Dunk each cookie quickly or it will absorb too           much milk and crumble apart on you.) Spread 1/3 of the Cool Whip evenly over the cookies.
2. Repeat to create two more layers of cookies and Cool Whip.
3. Crumble 3-4 cookies and sprinkle on top of the pie. Cover and chill for at least 8 hours before             serving.

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