Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Pie Per Week: Milky Way Midnight Pie

Milky Way Midnight pie

Brian:  What a great weekend we had!  It started by seeing one of my favorite comedians, Heywood Banks.  He is quirky, hilarious, and always manages to do this all by staying clean at the same time.  He is often featured on the nationally syndicated Bob & Tom Show, which is based here in Indianapolis.

Heywood Banks

Angie:  Our sons favorite candy bar is Milky Way Midnight, so that is why we chose it as our pie for the week.  He turns 18 this week, and it is the first of many big milestones this year.  Next will be graduation, and then he will start college in the fall.  Have I mentioned I'm not ready for this?  Because if I haven't, I'm not ready for this.

Milky Way Midnight candy bars

Brian:  You know you are having a rich pie, when you start with an Oreo crust.

Oreo Crust

Angie:  You start by combining your flour, sugar, cocoa mix, and salt.

Combining your dry ingredients

Brian:  Next, you add your egg yolks.

Add the egg yolks

Angie:  Slowly add your milk.

Whisk while adding in your milk

Brian:  You need to have your candy bars cut up, because you actually melt them as part of the recipe.  

Emilee helping cut up the candy 

Angie:  Next you add your candy pieces.

Emilee adding candy with a beauty IU logo on her nails!

Brian:  Next you start heating over medium heat and you stir... and stir...

Early stirring, candy not yet melted

Angie:  The Milky Way pieces will slowly start to melt away over time, and once they are completely gone, that is about the time the mixture starts to thicken.  You want this to get really thick, and it will get thicker than pudding.  Then you remove from heat and add your vanilla and butter.

Adding Butter and Vanilla

Brian:  Next, you'll want to pour into your pie shell and let it sit until it sets up.


Angie:  I hate to say this, but I didn't try this pie.  The smell was simply amazing and I'm sure I would have love, love, loved this pie tooooo much.

Heywood plays his most popular song, "Toast," on a toaster

Brian:  I really loved this pie.  I know we have made lots of different types of chocolate pie, but they are all different.  To actually make a pie with melted candy bars as part of the filling was fun.  And a chocolate filling with a chocolate crust?  Sign me up!

Pie Recipient of the Week

Our pie recipient of the week is our son Connor.  He is celebrating a major birthday, so we wanted to make a pie that we thought he would really enjoy.  We are biased, but he is just a great all around kid who gets along with everybody.

He's a good student, and he is the President and founder of the cycling club at his school.  He also is part of Peer Pals, which pairs general education students with students who have special needs.  He's a great son as well, we are proud to claim him as ours.

Connor's friend in peer pals, Noah,  refers to Valentine's Day as "Love Day."  We really like that, so a happy Love Day to you and yours this weekend!


1/3 c. flour
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. instant cocoa mix
1/4 tsp. salt
2 eggs, separated
1 1/2 c. milk
2 (2 1/8 oz.) MILKY WAY MIDNIGHT® candy bars
1 tsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
In heavy saucepan, combine flour, sugar, cocoa mix and salt. Add egg yolks, reserve whites if you'd like to add a meringue. Gradually stir in milk. Add candy bars, cut into pieces. Cook over medium heat until very thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Blend in butter and vanilla. Cool slightly before pouring into prepared, baked pie shell.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Love Day Richardson Family ~ We Love you guys!
